HOW TO SHARE YOUR VIDEO(S): If you have a video of a Westbrook school system music performance that you would like to share with us, let us know through our Contact form and we will give you guest access to our YouTube account where you can upload your video. We'll review the video, and if appropriate, then a link will be added to these archives. When you post your video, please include as much information as you can about the performance (e.g. location, event, band name, date, etc.). Thank you!
Video Archives (2016 - 2018):
WHS Jazz Ensemble at Westbrook Warren Church 2017
WHS Holiday Concert 2017
WMS 7th & 8th Grade Holiday Concert 2017
WHS Fall Choral Concerts 2017
WHS Fall Instrumental Concerts 2017
WHS Marching Band 2017
WHS Marching Band USBands Nationals Performance in Allentown, PA "Nostradamus" 11/5/17
WHS Marching Band Community Send-Off Performance at WHS "Nostradamus" 11/3/17
WHS Marching Band MBDA FINALS at Sanford, ME "Nostradamus" 10/28/17
WHS Marching Band USBands Competition in Wrentham, MA "Nostradamus" 10/14/17
WHS Marching Band at Football Game Halftime "Nostradamus" 10/13/17
WHS Marching Band Clinic Show at Wells "Nostradamus" 9/30/17
WHS Marching Band at Football Game Halftime "Nostradamus" 9/29/17
WHS Marching Band at Football Game Halftime "Nostradamus" 9/22/17
WHS Jazz Ensemble at WHS Teacher Welcome Meeting, August 28, 2017
Congin Kindergarden Concert, June 8, 2017
Together Days Parade, June 3, 2017
Westbrook Jazz Ensemble at Together Days, Friday, June 2, 2017
Memorial Day Parade, May 29, 2017
All City Band Concert, May 16, 2017
All City Choral Concert, May 15, 2017
WHS Chamber Singers at Custom's House in Portland, April 29, 2017
WHS Jazz Ensemble at One Longfellow Square, April 20, 2017
WHS Spring Instrumental Concert, April 3, 2017
Westbrook Winter Guard and Winter Percussion Finals at Marshwood, April 2, 2017
WHS Spring Choral Concert, March 30, 2017
Wind Ensemble at MBDA Concert Festival in Scarborough, March 30, 2017
Westbrook Winter Guard and Winter Percussion at Wells, March 26, 2017
Westbrook Middle School 5th & 6th Grade Spring Concert, March 20, 2017
Jazz Night at WPAC, March 21, 2017
Westbrook Winter Guard and Winter Percussion at Wells, March 19, 2017
Westbrook Jazz at Maine State Jazz Festival at Nokomis, March 17 & 18, 2017
Westbrook 7th & 8th Grade Spring Concert, March 13, 2017
Westbrook Winter Guard and Winter Percussion at OOB, March 12, 2017
Westbrook Jazz at Jazz Regionals in Sanford, March 6, 2017
Westbrook Jazz at WHS Jazz Festival March 4, 2017
Westbrook Jazz Ensemble at Westbrook Warren Church, December 20, 2016
Westbrook High School Holiday Concert 2016
- WHS Holiday Jazz (On The Street Where You Live)
WHS Concert Band and Wind Ensemble (Christmas At The Movies)
WHS Concert Band and Wind Ensemble (The Grinch Redux, Narrated by Alan King)
Westbrook 7th & 8th Grade Holiday Concert 2016
Westbrook High School Fall Concert 2016
Westbrook High School Marching Band The River 2016
- Westbrook Marching Band Banquet Slideshow 2016
Westbrook Marching Band NESBA FINALS "The River" in Medford, MA 10/30/16
Westbrook Marching Band MBDA FINALS "The River" at Thornton Academy 10/29/16
Westbrook Marching Band "The River" at Edward Little (Indoor Show) 10/22/16
Westbrook Marching Band "The River" NESBA at Billerica, MA 10/15/16
Westbrook Marching Band "The River" at Marshwood (Indoor Show) 10/01/16
Westbrook Marching Band "The River" performed at football game halftime 9/24/16
Westbrook Marching Band "The River" at South Portland, 9/17/16
Westbrook Marching Band "The River" performed at football game halftime 9/16/16
Westbrook High School Drama presents "Les Miserables", June 3, 2016
Westbrook Jazz at Together Days, June 4, 2016
Westbrook Bands at Together Days Parade, June 4, 2016
Westbrook All City Band Concert, May 17, 2016
Westbrook All City Chorus Concert, May 16, 2016
Westbrook High School Chorus Trip to New York City, April 9-11, 2016
Westbrook Middle School 5/6 Grade Spring Concert, April 5, 2016
Westbrook Middle School 7/8 Grade Spring Concert, April 4, 2016
Westbrook High School Winterguard and Winter Percussion at MBDA Finals, April 3, 2016
Westbrook High School Spring Concert, March 31, 2016
MBDA Concert Band Festival At Scarborough High School, March 30, 2016
- WHS Wind Ensemble (An American Fanfare)
WHS Wind Ensemble (Symphony No. 5 - A Suitably Optimistic Finale)
Westbrook Jazz Night, March 22, 2016
- WHS Jazz Ensemble (Dancing Men)
WHS Jazz Ensemble (Big Swing Face) - slight technical difficulty midway
Westbrook High School Winterguard and Winter Percussion at Greely, March 20, 2016
Westbrook High School Jazz Bands at High School Instrumental State Festival, South Portland, March 11-12, 2016
Westbrook High School Bands at Symphony Hall, Boston, March 7, 2016
- Westbrook High School Concert Band (Steel)
Westbrook High School Concert Band (Fantasy on a Fiddle Tune)
Westbrook High School Wind Ensemble (Irish Tune From County Derry)
Westbrook High School Wind Ensemble (The Fairest of the Fair)
MBDA Jazz Festival at Westbrook High School, February 27, 2016
Westbrook Schools Jazz Bands at Jazz Regionals, February 10, 2016
Westbrook High School Jazz Ensemble and Midnight Blues Combo at Berklee Jazz Festival, February 6, 2016
- Berklee's Video of Westbrook Jazz Ensemble at Winner's Showcase (Everyday I Have the Blues)
Jazz Ensemble at Winner's Showcase (Everyday I Have the Blues)
Jazz Ensemble at Winner's Showcase (Everyday I Have the Blues)-another view with big screen
Westbrook High School Wind Ensemble with Rhode Island College, February 4, 2016
- WHS Wind Ensemble (Flashing Winds)
Rhode Island College Wind Ensemble (Lord of the Rings, Movement 1 -Gandalf)
WHS Wind Ensemble with Rhode Island College (Down a Country Lane)
WHS Wind Ensemble with Rhode Island College (The Purple Pageant)​