For those interested in attending the annual Marching Band Friends and Family Show that usually ends Marching Band Camp, it has been officially moved to TONIGHT due to expected rain tomorrow. Same time (7pm), same place (HS teacher parking lot), same show (Salvage). Come on over and enjoy what the band has for us this year! Get there early as there will be a lot going on.
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We thank Dylan, Ranya and Claire for their drum major auditions yesterday! They were all very prepared and represented their families and school to the highest level.
We are pleased to announce that after auditions with multiple students, the 2023 Drum Major for our marching band show "Salvage" will be: Claire Filiatrault!
Claire is a wonderful example to other students, a very hard worker, a responsible citizen, a happy kid and a wonderful musician. She will do a fantastic job representing the school throughout the coming school year as she leads the Westbrook High School Marching Band and Color Guard in performances in front of thousands of people throughout New England!
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Did you miss the All-City concert or wish you could watch it again? Or maybe you'd like to share it with family or friends? You're in luck! We have the performances archived on the Westbrook Music Boosters YouTube channel at the following link. Enjoy!

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